The Hills Church : Glorifying God through Transformed Lives

Guidance from the Pastoral Team

The following are articles providing guidance or positions on particular issues from the Pastoral Leadership Team of The Hills Church. We provide these as aids to the body of The Hills Church so that we might rightly believe and understand (orthodoxy) as well as live out and practice (orthopraxy) the Gospel.

Helpful Articles and Books

The Hills Church provides links to where you may buy books from below, but does not endorse or provide recommendations on which book seller to purchase the books from. The links are provided for convenience.

The Mortification of Sin by John Owen
This book is highly recommended for understanding the importance, duty, and method for fighting and killing (mortifying) sin in the Christian's life. The abridged version by Richard Rushing in the Puritan Paperbacks series from The Banner of Truth Trust is recommended as it is highly readable and digestible for the modern reader. Not only does Owen provide sound, biblical, gospel-centered guidance on mortifying sin, he has some memorable quotes such as "always be killing sin or it will be killing you." (Amazon) (pdf)

Conscience: What it is, How to Train it, and Loving Those who Differ by Andrew David Naselli & J. D. Crowley
While relatively short (less than 150 pages), this book is extremely helpful in thinking through what our conscience is and how it works. It is particularly helpful in challenging ourselves to think through how our own convictions are expressed towards and imposed upon other Christians. Naselli and Crowley give a sound biblical understanding of the conscience and how God uses it as part of our spiritual formation. (Amazon)

Coronavirus and Christ by John Piper
A free ebook (download here) from John Piper on seeing the COVID-19 pandemic in light of God’s sovereignty. (also available for purchase: Amazon, Lifeway, WTS Books)

Knowing God by J. I. Packer
Packer’s classic on the knowing God and its implication for living out the Christian life. (Amazon, Lifeway, WTS Books)