Battling Lust and Pornography

One of the major battles against sin fought in our modern world is against lust and pornography. Below you'll find resources on fighting that battle.

It's important to note that the greatest means for battling sin, including the sin of lust, is being a part of a church, an active member of the local body of Christ. We encourage you that if you are not part of a church already, join us at The Hills Church!


A Gospel-Wakefulness Story
This article helps to show some underlying reasons for why someone turns to pornography, the devastating impact of pornography on a marital relationships, and how the gospel was the key to finding healing and relief from the sin.
Breaking Pornography Addiction
This article by David Powlison is adapted from his mini-book, Sexual Addiction: Freedom from Compulsive Behavior


Battling Sin

A great place to start for battling against the sin of lust is seeing how to battle sin in general.

Follow this link to take a look at our recommended resources on battling sin and temptation including a series of devotionals on resisting temptation.

Battling Pornography

Here are some books we recommend if you are specifically struggling with pornography. Bear in mind that struggles with pornography occur for both men and women. (This is not just a guy issue.) The struggles may be rooted in different desires, motives, and reasons. So while some resources are written more towards a male audience (statistically more men struggle with pornography than women, but, again, there is a significant portion of women who struggle with this as well), the resources are useful to both men and women.

  • More Than a Battle: How to Experience Victory, Freedom, and Healing from Lust by Joe Rigney
If you are going to read just one book, start with this one. Not only should those struggling with pornography read it, but those who are mentoring them should read it.
  • Finally Free: Fighting for Purity with the Power of Grace by Heath Lambert
  • Closing the Window: Steps to Living Porn Free by Tim Chester
  • Pornography: Fighting for Purity (31-Day Devotionals for Life) by Deepak Reju