Redemption's Story: WK 3 - The Story of the Lamb
December 17th, 2014
​​​Sermon: WK 3:  The Story of the LambSpeaker: Danny PriceSeries: Redemption's StoryText: Luke 2:8-18Date: 12/14/2014​​......  Read More
by Tom Wilson
Redemption's Story - WK 2: The Story of the Sinner
December 9th, 2014
​​Sermon: WK 2:  The Story of the Sinner Speaker: Dennis Wall Series: Redemption's Story Text: Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 3:23-38 Date: 12/07/2014​​......  Read More
by Tom Wilson
Redemption's Story - WK 1: The Story of the Savior
December 2nd, 2014
​Sermon: WK 1:  The Story of the SaviorSpeaker: Tom WilsonSeries: Redemption's StoryText: Matthew 1:18-25Date: 11/30/2014​​......  Read More
by Tom Wilson
Life.... Beyond Forgiveness - Wk 5: Persevering For the Prize
November 25th, 2014
​Sermon: WK 5:  Persevering For the PrizeSpeaker: Dennis WallSeries: ​Life...Beyond ForgivenessText: Psalm 51:13-19Date: 11/23/2014​​......  Read More
by Tom Wilson
Life.... Beyond Forgiveness - WK 4: Personalizing Life Beyond Forgiveness
November 18th, 2014
​Sermon: WK 4: Personalizing Life Beyond ForgivenessSpeaker: Dennis WallSeries: ​Life...Beyond ForgivenessText: Psalm 51:7-12Date: 11/16/2014......  Read More
by Tom Wilson
Life... Beyond Forgiveness - WK 3: Fully Experiencing the Breadth and Length, the Height and Depth of Forgiveness
November 10th, 2014
Sermon: WK 3: Fully Experiencing the Breadth and Length, the Height and Depth of ForgivenessSpeaker: Dennis WallSeries: ​Life...Beyond ForgivenessText: Psalm 51:1-19Date: 11/9/2014......  Read More
by Tom Wilson
Life...Beyond Forgiveness - WK 2: God’s Righteousness Upheld in Forgiveness
November 5th, 2014
Sermon: WK 2: God’s Righteousness Upheld in ForgivenessSpeaker: Dennis WallSeries: Life...Beyond ForgivenessText: II Samuel 11-12Date: 11/3/2014......  Read More
by Tom Wilson
Life...Beyond Forgiveness - WK 1: Why the Threat of Perishing
October 29th, 2014
Sermon:  Why the Threat of PerishingSpeaker: Dennis WallSeries: Life...Beyond Forgiveness - Glorifying God Through a Transformed LifeText: II Corinthians 4:6-7Date: 10/27/2014......  Read More
by Tom Wilson
DNOW - Glowing Heart
October 22nd, 2014
​Message: Discple Now 2014Speaker:  Henry LoftinSermon Series: Disciple Now Text: Mark 2​Date: 10/20/2014......  Read More
by Tom Wilson
Philemon - Part 2: Prepping an Atmosphere for Reconciliation
October 14th, 2014
​Message: Prepping an Atomosphere for ReconciliationSpeaker:  Danny PriceSermon Series: PhilemonText: Colossians 3 and Philemon​Date: 10/12/2014......  Read More
by Tom Wilson
Philemon - Part 1: Living and Learning the Gospel by Practicing Reconciliation
October 8th, 2014
Message: Living and Learning the Gospel by Practicing ReconciliationSpeaker: Tom WilsonSermon Series: PhilemonText: Philemon​Date: 10/05/2014......  Read More
by Tom Wilson
Heaven - Part 7: Conquering Faith Required
September 30th, 2014
Message: Conquering Faith RequiredSpeaker: Dennis WallSermon Series: Exploring the New Heaven and the New EarthText: Revelation 21:7 and Romans 8:37​Date: 09/28/2014......  Read More
by Tom Wilson




