Children's Ministries

Our Children's Ministry is a safe and caring environment where your kids will learn about Jesus in a way that is appropriate for their age group. From ages 6 months to 6th grade we offer children a myriad of unique growth opportunities. Our goal is to teach them the Gospel of Jesus and to help them become followers and disciples of Christ. For the safety of the children all of our children's workers go through regular background checks.
Sunday Mornings

We value worship! Our Sunday morning worship is the central and most valuable corporate activity of our church. We encourage this time as one where we all come together to join as one church family. We want to be sure that children are welcome in our corporate worship service and recognize there is great value to have our children with us in worship.
Through worshiping together, our children learn how to worship through song by watching others. During the sermons, children hear the Word and ask questions. And one of the greatest benefits is that families can discuss the service afterward since they all saw and heard the same thing! This helps parents continue the lessons from the service throughout the day and week. Please know that children are welcomed and valued in our worship service. Our church body is there to encourage and support our young families. Activity bags are available for your children to use during service, pick one up in the foyer and drop it off when you leave so that we may replenish them for use the following week.
2024 VBS "God Wins"
Registration is OPEN for this year's Vacation Bible School!! "God Wins" is our theme! VBS is FREE, children who have completed the 1st through 5th Grades are eligible to register.
Click the link on the right to download a registration form. Forms may be dropped off at the church office
Monday-Friday from 9am-4:30pm, faxed to us at
210-674-3615, or emailed to
Click the link on the right to download a registration form. Forms may be dropped off at the church office
Monday-Friday from 9am-4:30pm, faxed to us at
210-674-3615, or emailed to
Below you will find various resources we recommend for discipling your child that he or she may come to know Christ and grow in Him.
- The Biggest Story by Kevin DeYoung
- The Biggest Story Bible Storybook by Kevin DeYoung
- Jesus Story Book Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones
- God by Devon Provencher
- Jesus by Devon Provencher
- The Gospel by Devon Provencher
- Old Story New by Marty Machowski
- Long Story Short by Marty Machowski
Need info?

Volunteers 18+ who are involved in Children's Ministry, including VBS, MUST complete a background check. Download the form and turn it into the church office.