The Essence of Worship is Delight
A key point that Piper brings out in Chapter 2 is that Christ is to be our "all-surpassing treasure." (Phil 3:8) That is, our worship of God is driven by our seeking the greatest treasure: Christ. To put it as Paul did, "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." (Phil 1:21, ESV) We are to value Christ above all things. True gain, true treasure in life or in death is found in Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
So to seek after Christ is to go treasure hunting. We are seeking not just any treasure, but the greatest treasure. When we connect this act of seeking treasure, seeking that of great (actually the greatest) value we can see how treasuring (valuing) is connected to worship: we worship God because there is treasure to be found in God. That is, we should see and experience worship as an act of expressing delight in what we most value. As Piper puts it, "Worship is valuing God. And when this valuing is intense, it is joy in God. Therefore the essence of worship is delight in God."
Take a step back and think about that last statement. First, "the essence" of something is what is at its core. When you distill something down you get to its core, its essence. And "worship" is ascribing of worth, valuing. So what is the very essence, at the very core of worship? The very essence of worship is delight. Delight shows what we truly value. Therefore, if we are going to display true valuing of God we must delight in Him.
So to seek after Christ is to go treasure hunting. We are seeking not just any treasure, but the greatest treasure. When we connect this act of seeking treasure, seeking that of great (actually the greatest) value we can see how treasuring (valuing) is connected to worship: we worship God because there is treasure to be found in God. That is, we should see and experience worship as an act of expressing delight in what we most value. As Piper puts it, "Worship is valuing God. And when this valuing is intense, it is joy in God. Therefore the essence of worship is delight in God."
Take a step back and think about that last statement. First, "the essence" of something is what is at its core. When you distill something down you get to its core, its essence. And "worship" is ascribing of worth, valuing. So what is the very essence, at the very core of worship? The very essence of worship is delight. Delight shows what we truly value. Therefore, if we are going to display true valuing of God we must delight in Him.