Affections are Not Optional

In Chapter 3, John Piper points us to an important point about worship made by Jonathan Edwards: "True religion, in great part, consists in affections." (cf.1 Pet 1:8) That is, true religion is not merely about an intellectual belief; it is evidenced in the fact that we have deep affections (loves and feelings) for something.

Piper rightly points out that "throughout Scripture we are commanded to feel, not to just think or decide." Consider verses such as 1 Pet 1:22 and Rom 12:10 others that command love, joy, hope, fear, peace, tenderheartedness, contrition, and gratitude among many other feelings.

We should never view Christianity as emotionless. Quite the opposite, Christianity is filled with emotion, specific emotion in response to, directed at God, and ultimately coming from God.

"These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full." John 15:11, ESV

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