Displaying the Glory of Christ in Marriage
To display the glory of Christ in our marriage we must love our spouse as Christ loved the Church. We know this because Paul writes in Eph 5:31-32 (quoting Gen 2:24): "'Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.' This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church." The glorious mystery that is revealed in our marriages is the glorious love of Christ for His bride, the Church.
Husbands and wives should live out their marriage in such a way that it displays the glorious reality of the love of Christ for the Church and the Church's love for Christ. This mind-set and commitment changes the foundational way that we approach marriage. Marriage is not focused upon what I can get out of marriage. Marriage is focused upon how mutual love and joy in the marriage displays the glorious reality of the gospel.
In our marriages our commitment to Christ should be on display: a love willing to endure suffering as our Lord did for the joy set before Him. (Heb 12:2) If our hearts and minds are possesed by this gospel reality, the reality that our marriages our intended to display the glory of Christ in how we love one another, it will change the very nature of our marriages. We will find joy in the flourishing of our spouses. And our spouses will find joy in our flourishing. No longer will the question be, "What am I getting out of this marriage?" Rather, the question becomes, "How am I displaying the glory of Christ by pursuing the holy joy of my spouse?"
Husbands and wives should live out their marriage in such a way that it displays the glorious reality of the love of Christ for the Church and the Church's love for Christ. This mind-set and commitment changes the foundational way that we approach marriage. Marriage is not focused upon what I can get out of marriage. Marriage is focused upon how mutual love and joy in the marriage displays the glorious reality of the gospel.
In our marriages our commitment to Christ should be on display: a love willing to endure suffering as our Lord did for the joy set before Him. (Heb 12:2) If our hearts and minds are possesed by this gospel reality, the reality that our marriages our intended to display the glory of Christ in how we love one another, it will change the very nature of our marriages. We will find joy in the flourishing of our spouses. And our spouses will find joy in our flourishing. No longer will the question be, "What am I getting out of this marriage?" Rather, the question becomes, "How am I displaying the glory of Christ by pursuing the holy joy of my spouse?"