The Eternal Investment Formula
First Timothy 6:6 gives us the eternal investment formula is this:
Godliness + Contentment = Great Gain
Contentment is powerful because it says, "I am satisfied with what I have." Contentment says, "I don't need more." Rather than saying "I want", it says "I already have."
Interestingly, Paul in 1 Tim 6:6 connects contentment with gain. That is, he connects saying, "I don't need more" with getting more. So how does this work? Well, the question is what is it that you want more of? You see Paul is speaking of being content with the simpler things of this world rather than seeking to have more of what this world offers. This is what 1 Tim 6:8 points to: "But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content." Paul is warning us that if our driving craving is for money (material wealth) because in it we believe we will find relief and satisfaction, we actually will be drawn away from seeking what is of actual greater value: "righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness." (1 Tim 6:11) Thus, if we want great gain, true great gain, we must be content with simpler things in this world and pursue the greater things of the kingdom of God.
Godliness + Contentment = Great Gain
Contentment is powerful because it says, "I am satisfied with what I have." Contentment says, "I don't need more." Rather than saying "I want", it says "I already have."
Interestingly, Paul in 1 Tim 6:6 connects contentment with gain. That is, he connects saying, "I don't need more" with getting more. So how does this work? Well, the question is what is it that you want more of? You see Paul is speaking of being content with the simpler things of this world rather than seeking to have more of what this world offers. This is what 1 Tim 6:8 points to: "But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content." Paul is warning us that if our driving craving is for money (material wealth) because in it we believe we will find relief and satisfaction, we actually will be drawn away from seeking what is of actual greater value: "righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness." (1 Tim 6:11) Thus, if we want great gain, true great gain, we must be content with simpler things in this world and pursue the greater things of the kingdom of God.