Day 20 - A Sure Preservative
Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering,
for he who promised is faithful.
Heb 10:23 (ESV)

Why we can be so confident that obedience will protect us in temptation?
Our obedience of the Christ (what Owen refers to as "keeping the word of Christ's patience") is a sure protection to preserve us when we face temptation. But why can we fell so assured of this? How do we know this is true? There are two major reasons why we can be confidently assured that our obedience serves to protect us.
Reason #1: God promised the protection and, thus, guarantees it.
This is the true guarantee why obedience of Christ works to protect us in and from temptation: God guarantees it! Each person of the godhead (Father, Son, and Spirit) actively participate in this guarantee.
1) The Father is faithful to insure that the promised is fulfilled and carried out. (1 Cor 10:13; Heb 10:23)
2) The Son acts in grace to ensure the promised is carried out. (2 Cor 12:8-10; Heb 2:18)
3) The Spirit makes the promise effective. He is our active Helper. (John 14:26)
1) The Father is faithful to insure that the promised is fulfilled and carried out. (1 Cor 10:13; Heb 10:23)
2) The Son acts in grace to ensure the promised is carried out. (2 Cor 12:8-10; Heb 2:18)
3) The Spirit makes the promise effective. He is our active Helper. (John 14:26)
Reason #2: Obedience forms the heart to resist temptation.
Constant, universal obedience does something to our hearts? It changes it. Walking in integrity and uprightness preserve our heart and soul. (Psa 25:21) Why? Because obedience of Christ does two major things:
1) Obedience kills the desire for the objects of our temptations.
2) Obedience replaces the desires of our heart with better things.
1) Obedience kills the desire for the objects of our temptations.
Owen describes this as "mortifying the heart to the matter of temptation." That is, the very desire for what we are being tempted by is killed. Obedience changes the very desires of our heart. Thus, obedience is a key part of being crucified with Christ. (Gal 2:20)
2) Obedience replaces the desires of our heart with better things.
Thomas Chalmers once noted how we replace desires. Chalmers called it "the expulsive power of a new affection." That is, you don't merely destroy a desire; you replace it. This is what obedience of Christ does. It constantly and gradually reshapes and replaces the desires of our heart. (Phil 3:8)
Our Challenge
Are you uncertain that obedience of Christ, obedience of the gospel, will really serve to protect you as you face temptation? First, believe that God is indeed faithful to what He has promised. Secondly, try it. Actually walk in obedience in all that Christ asks and see how it will protect your heart, soul, and life from temptation.