Day 5 - Temptation's Hour
Men sometimes are carried into sin just by the love of it, but they often persist and remain in it because of the fear of the consequences that might follow repentance and full disclosure. When our reasonings run between our lust and our fear, and are ready to entangle us, we know it is the hour of temptation.
John Owen, Temptation Resisted and Repulsed

What is Temptation's Hour?
A time comes when we must stare temptation down and face it head on. This is "temptation's hour."
"Temptation's hour" is when temptation is at its greatest. It is when temptation has reached the pinnacle, the zenith, of its draw and allure to us. It is when temptation has its greatest force upon us.
"Temptation's hour" is when temptation is at its greatest. It is when temptation has reached the pinnacle, the zenith, of its draw and allure to us. It is when temptation has its greatest force upon us.
How a Temptation Arrives at Its Hour
1) By sustained repetition and bombardment
2) By using the sin of others to gain an advantage
3) By hiding itself among things that are not sin
This sustained attack bring our mind to consider the temptation over and over. What may start out as repulsive to us slowly, gradually becomes acceptable to us, less threatening, and we entertain the idea of acting on the temptation.
2) By using the sin of others to gain an advantage
We may see others who have given into the temptation and begin to believe that the temptation is no real danger. We may see the sin of others and think that may it really isn't sin. Thus, we begin to entertain the temptation as something that is acceptable, something even worthy of doing.
3) By hiding itself among things that are not sin
Temptation may be hidden among things that are not evil. It mingles itself with them and thus confuses us. We don't see the danger of the temptation among the good. Or we rationalize the temptation as part of something that is good. Thus, we may willfully choose to blind ourselves to the temptation, ignoring the danger before us.
How We can Know when Temptation Has Arrived at Its Hour
1) When we become "restless, urgent, and argumentative" with the temptation, its hour has arrived.
2) When our fear and our lust come together to draw us to the temptation, its hour has arrived.
We are now in "a time of battle" with temptation. We have shifted from being repulsed by the temptation to being in conversation with it. Now we are entertaining that the temptation might be something we want to do.
2) When our fear and our lust come together to draw us to the temptation, its hour has arrived.
Though sometimes we are merely enticed by our loving for some evil, often it is the combination of our fear of the consequences of being caught in sin along with our love for the sin that drives us further into temptation. Consider how David arrived at the decision to murder Uriah. He was both fearful of being caught and lustful to have Bathesheba. (2 Sam 11:1-17)
How do We Avoid Facing Temptation's Hour
Watch and Pray. Our Lord is clear. These are the two actions to take to avoid entering into temptation and facing temptation's hour.
1) Watch
2) Pray
1) Watch
"To watch means to be on guard, to take head, and to consider all the ways and means that the enemy might use to approach us." (1 Cor 16:13)
2) Pray
We must cry out to God for his strength and deliverance from this temptation. We must not rely upon our own abilities and strengths.
Our Challenge
Is there a temptation right now in your life that is at its greatest? You are facing that temptation's hour. You stand on the edge of falling into sin. You must pray! Pray that God would deliver you from the sinful, destructive desires of your own heart!
Are you unconcerned with temptation? Do you feel that you aren't really at risk of falling into temptation? You must watch! Be on-guard for Satan "prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour." (1 Pet 5:8, ESV)
Are you unconcerned with temptation? Do you feel that you aren't really at risk of falling into temptation? You must watch! Be on-guard for Satan "prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour." (1 Pet 5:8, ESV)