Day 8 - Temptation Darkens the Mind
Temptation will darken the mind, so that a man will not be able to make a right judgment of things as he did before he entered into it.
John Owen, Temptation Resisted and Repulsed

Temptation Darkens Our Minds
We must be aware that temptation itself impacts us. Maybe not immediately but when we enter into it (i.e. truly entertain the temptation and consider it), it begins darkening our minds. Sometimes this darkening is immediate and deep so that we become almost blinded by it. Others may see the danger but temptation has blinded our minds so that we may not even realize the danger. Other times temptation darkens our minds gradually, slowly dimming our ability to see the danger of the sin that awaits to entrap us.
Three Ways Temptation Darkens Our Minds
Owen identifies three ways temptation darkens our minds:
1) Temptation fixes our imagination and thoughts on the object of the temptation.
2) Temptation further darkens our minds by entangling our "affections" (our loves, our emotions).
3) Temptation will "oil and fuel our lusts."
1) Temptation fixes our imagination and thoughts on the object of the temptation.
Simultaneously, Satan diverts our mind away from other thoughts that would strengthen our ability to resist the temptation and help our soul.
2) Temptation further darkens our minds by entangling our "affections" (our loves, our emotions).
When our affections become entangled with the object of the temptation -- enflamed to want it more, engulfed by the desire to have it -- our mind becomes darkened, unable to see its danger, and our understanding confused, unable to rationally assess what destruction the temptation will bring.
3) Temptation will "oil and fuel our lusts."
That is, temptation not only draws our attention to the object we want, but it acts like oil (like a lubricant) making it easier for us to follow temptations path. It also acts like fuel in a fire, enflaming the desire for the object of our temptation so that seemingly the desire can not be quenched in any other way than to have the object of our desire.
Our Challenge
Is your mind now clear on the danger of how temptation darkens the mind? Is there any area of your life that temptation has brought blindness to your mind, darkness to your understanding? Cry out to God asking Him to bring light to your mind, clarity to your understanding so that you will not embrace the sin your temptation calls you to and bring you to destruction.